Solcity: A practice built for growing emotional and intellectual wellness.


Spending time in nature, reading, knitting, painting, swimming, yoga and meditation, and enjoying the company of friends and family.

My Approach to Mental Health care

My name is Courtney and I am the owner and founder of SOlcity Therapy and Wellness. My hope is for Solcity Therapy & Wellness to stand as a beacon of support and transformation. My approach is integrative and eclectic. Why? I don’t believe in a “one size fits all” model because we are all different and the same thing goes for the concerns we bring to therapy. My approach is collaborative and is informed on both psychotherapeutic and evidence based theories, and the needs of you, the client.


  • 2015- Undergraduate studies at Wilfrid Laurier University culminated in a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a second degree in Women and Gender studies

  • Worked with victims of sexual violence, lead bystander training workshops on how to identify and prevent dangerous situation such as microaggressions/ homophobia/ racism/ transphobia/ harassment/ sexual assault in university settings, and I helped lead a conference on Gendered Violence on University campuses.

  • 2019- Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Brain Disorders Management from Mohawk college

  • Worked with individuals with traumatic brain injuries

  • Since 2022- A member of the College for Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

  • 2022/ 2023- Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University

  • 2023- Completion of a prolonged exposure therapy course for traumatic reprocessing

  • 2023- EFT intensive for couples therapy certificate through PESI

  • 2023- Meditation Practitioner certification

  • 2024- Trauma- Informed Treatment Certificate- CCTP-I and CCTP-II

Our rates

Individual therapy

Online individual therapy, is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts in a one-to-one setting. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly. On average clients come for 8+ sessions but that’s not a benchmark or goal to be reached just a statistic. At Solcity we sit with you and take our time to really support your goals and needs. Some people take much longer than 8 and others shorter, this is something we’ll collaborate on.

50 mins | $150 | Get started

Couples session

Free 15 minute consults

Online couples therapy is focused on a two-to-one ratio. Topics which may apply to you if you are interested in this type of therapy include, differences in sex- drive or libedo, managing conflicts with your partner (s), considering an open or non-monogamous relationship, infidelity, recent life transitions, difficulties communicating, and/ or intimate relationship struggles to name a few. Often couples can expect to engage in therapy often for a minimum of about 8 weeks although this varies greatly. Have questions about what you might expect? Contact us or schedule a free consultation.

50 mins | $170 | Get started

Our consultations are a way for you to ask your questions and find out if we’re a good fit.

15 mins | Free | Get started

Get started with Solcity, today.

Our Commitment to Anti- Racism

Courtney and Solcity Therapy and Wellness recognize the intersectional experience of each of our clients journeys as well as the bias and privilege we carry in our own. We recognize the historic and ongoing injustices of racism and oppression in the systems which impact our client in Canada and from around the world. Whether working through trauma or on your relationship, we strive to take an intersectional lens in our clinical work, to self examine and educate throughout the process, and to continue to challenge and oppose historical biases in psychotherapeutic practice which were previously Eurocentric in perspective.

We also recognize our responsibility to continue working towards acknowledging experiences of race, class, gender, ethnicity, ability, neurodivergence, sexual orientation, QTBIPOC (Queer and Trans Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) voices and experiences, and other factors. We are taking steps to further inform how we work with clients through ongoing training in anti-racism/anti-oppression and diversity, equity and inclusion, supervision, peer consult, continuing education and research. These are a starting point in an ongoing effort to correct and inform any unintentional inequities in our policies, programs and practices going forward.

Land Acknowledgment

On behalf of Solcity Therapy and Wellness, the founder would like to acknowledge that the Halton Region, our base of operations sits on unceded territory of many First Nations. We are thankful to be able to work and live in this region which belongs to First Nations such as the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as well as the Traditional Territory of the Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat and Anishinabek tribes. We are grateful to those past and current who have cared for this land which continues to sustain us.